Sometimes my human lady just gets me

Everyone is ecstatic that I will chase tennis balls now. And it means I get chicken for bringing it back AND dropping the ball. Silly humans. Whatever, chicken is AMAZING. I still don’t always bring it back because Keep Away and Chase are the best games in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!! And I am amazing at them. . . unless a Great Dane is chasing me and then I lose. Darn those long legged galumphers!

Today I found a great orange tennis ball at the park. It is AMAZING. Human Lady even let me keep it. And right now she is letting me peel all the orange fur off of it. I thought she was going to take it away from me, but no, she just picked up all the fur I’d already peeled off. Sometimes she’s so great.

Correction — after I’d ripped apart the ball she did finally take it away, but now she’s given me an orange ChuckIt ball, and that thing is great. It squishes wonderfully in my mouth and keeps my jaws going. My tail couldn’t wag more unless there were chicken involved. . .

Human Lady is talking about going to the Dog Park and I could really use the zooms and playing. Also, they have frisbees there and I LOVE frisbees.

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